Friday, March 8, 2013

International Woman's Day!

Today is INTERNATIONAL WOMAN'S DAY! A day to celebrate who we are as women; some of us are wives, mothers, grandmothers, even great-grand-mothers; some of us are single, widowed, or somewhere in between... but all of us are free to be who we were created to be! We were not created to compete with men, nor were we created to rule over them, but God did create us to be their equal; in the home, in the work place, in every aspect of life. But in this ever "gender-bending" world we live in "they" would like you to believe we are oppressed....even down trodden....but I say to that, "NO we aren't!" If we are walking in who God created us to be-a strong, God-sufficient (not self-sufficient) woman, who knows who she is, what she is capable of, and who holds her future in the palm of HIS hand, then we are not oppressed, we are free to be whatever God tells us we can be. I will be 50 next month, and I have never seen in my lifetime a more empowering time for women. Not because the glass ceilings have come crashing down, they haven't and most likely never will, but because more and more women are realizing the power they have...the power to influence. Influence our children, our spouses; influence our work place, and family...but most of all the power to influence other women. To help women see that "they are more than conquerors thru Christ Jesus". That while we are being told we are to lean on and depend on things of this world that might be temporary: a relationship, a career, and even our government, we are learning to hold tight and remain steadfast to that which will "never leave us or forsake us"... the love of God. It's not to say that horrible atrocities are not going on around us, some very near to us at times. Sex slave trafficking is at an all time high, and Houston is the hub for such a horrible crime. In other countries you have teenagers being raped and then charged for the crime, and other young girls who have death threats posted on them for speaking out....BUT GOD! God is rising up these same young girls and women all around to speak up, even though it places their lives in danger. They are setting aside past mind sets that say we should keep our mouths shut; eyes closed, and let everyone fend for themselves. How awesome is it that God is no longer allowing us to wallow in our self pity or fear!. A teenage girl (she's 15!!) is speaking out against the horrors in her country against women and was shot by the Taliban- ( A former prostitute in Las Vegas is walking the streets again but this time to bring young girls out of that dangerous and degrading lifestyle – ( These women are living out John 15:13 that says "no greater love has no one than to lay down his life for a friend" but in this case it's complete strangers who are taking their lives into their hands to shed light on a dark world. I have said often that if we as women, would put away all of the back-biting, and petty jealousies, and actually learn to be transparent and vulnerable with each other, then we could change the world! We have the ability to love and truly care for each other and all of those around us; to show compassion and grace instead of judgment and condemnation towards those with whom we disagree, then, but only then, could we help others see the love of God. For all of our "Godly Women" conferences, do-gooder meetings, etc...If we leave there with the same heart of piousness and pride, then we have wasted not only our time but God's. He has so much more for us, and so much more for the ones who are hurting. I want to offer a challenge today to all of the women reading this, whether you are reading it on March 8th or not; today seek out one woman, someone you know is hurting but not someone you are already close to, that's too easy....and either call her, text her, email her in some way, and offer friendship to her. Tell her you were thinking about her; that God placed her on your heart to pray for, and that you just want her to know that she is loved and cared about. I can promise you it will not only make her day but yours as well. I'm gone.

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